Cold Weather Policies

Hockey Programs

Adult league games and youth hockey practices scheduled on the outside rink will be canceled if the temperature at the rink is forecasted to reach 0°F.

Youth Hockey: The youth hockey director will make a cancellation decision by noon for all afternoon/evening youth hockey practices.

Adult Hockey: The adult hockey director will make a cancellation decision at least two hours prior to the first game of the evening.

Decisions will be based on the best weather information available (including wind chill) and directors may err on the side of safety for our patrons by cancelling activities before the temperature threshold is reached. Poor road conditions generally do not factor into cancellations unless Emergency Travel Only measures are enacted.

Hockey Tournaments

Due to traveling and scheduling considerations, tournaments and travel games will be played as scheduled, regardless of temperature, except in extreme conditions. All efforts will be made to rearrange the schedule to move games indoors, shorten games if needed, or take warming breaks. The tournament director will communicate any changes to teams.


Cancellation information will be posted on the website and through the rink’s Facebook and Instagram pages should cancellations occur. Activities scheduled on the inside rink are not affected by weather.

Public Programs

Public programs (public skate, stick & puck, pick-up hockey and open figure skating) take place as scheduled, unless the rink director feels that negative temperatures pose a safety issue to patrons and staff. Participants may cancel their registration following our financial policy.

User Groups

User groups (Women’s Hockey Association of Missoula, Missoula Figure Skating Club and Missoula Curling Club) each have their own cancellation policies and notification procedures.


Outdoor Rink – The rink does not provide heaters on the outdoor rink for either players or spectators. Teams and spectators are welcome to bring their own personal heaters, as long as they do not pose a safety risk.

Indoor rink – The heaters over the bleachers will be turned on only by request for activities that have at least 200 spectators in attendance and if the outdoor temperature is below 20 degrees. The heaters are on a two-hour timer. If rink staff feels that ice conditions will be negatively impacted by heater use, they may turn off the heaters at any point.  Requests for heater use must come directly from the event organizer.

© Copyright 2019 - Glacier Ice Rink | Operated by the Missoula Area Youth Hockey Association, a non-profit organization: Tax ID #81-0512974.