Our morning reserve programs are designed for men and women of all abilities in a pick-up style format. Unlike regular pick-up, players guarantee their spot by registering for the full session in advance. Players should bring a light and dark jersey each week. Goalies will be recruited for each session by the adult hockey director.

For 2024, we will offer four morning programs: Monday Reserve Pond Hockey, along with Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday Morning Reserve. Registration will be divided into three sessions:

  • Session #1: Monday, Wednesday, and Friday Reserve runs from Labor Day to Christmas Break. Tuesday Reserve begins October 24, 2024, to Christmas Break.
  • Session #2: Begins after the New Year and ends Spring Break.
  • Session #3: Begins the week after Spring Break and ends the last week of May.

Each session runs once a week from 7 to 8 am on the indicated day. Sessions are limited to 24 skaters and two goalies.

2024 Morning Reserve Session #1

Monday Reserve Pond Hockey:  Runs 15 weeks beginning September 9. This session is played pond-hockey style without goalies.

Cost: $217.50  Session is FULL

“NEW” Tuesday Morning Reserve:  Runs 9 weeks beginning October 22. REGISTRATION OPENS SEPTEMBER 16 at 8:00am.

Cost: $130.50

Wednesday Morning Reserve: Runs 16 weeks beginning September 4. Session is FULL

Cost: $232.00.

Friday Morning Reserve: Runs 16 weeks beginning September 6. Session is FULL

Cost: $232.00. 

2025 Morning Reserve Session #2

Session #2 days and times will remain the same as fall.  Registration will open early December.

2025 Morning Reserve Session #3

TBD. Registration will open mid-February.


These sessions fill within minutes, so you will need to be ready when registration opens! 

Unlike the Glacier Hockey League, a USA Hockey number not required to register for Morning Reserve programs, but is strongly suggested as it may provide supplemental insurance in case of injury.

Register online through our DaySmart Recreation System, or through the buttons below.

See our Financial Policies for information on registration refunds.

Session 1 Registration Links:


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