Bond Update

On Thursday, July 28, the Missoula County Commissioners approved our request to place a $19 million bond on the November ballot for Fairgrounds improvements. The 20-year bond would allocate $8 million for a third sheet of ice, $8 million for a new livestock and equestrian center and $3 million for site work and green space. We will need to raise an additional $5-8 million to complete the new rink as well as make long-overdue improvements to the current facility.

The commissioners were moved by the support for this project and the community members who spoke on our behalf. The new facility would allow us to operate year-round, as well as grow our programs, which are currently at capacity. Agricultural groups such as 4-H and FFA will also benefit from their own space and can expand educational opportunities for kids in their programs.

We are partnering with Missoula County 4-H to advocate for this bond and will soon start a “vote for” campaign. We will be asking our ice users for help with the campaign and encourage you to support this measure. Stay tuned for more info in the coming months. In the meantime, feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions.


Laura Henning
Executive Director