• Volunteer Obligation

Scroll to the bottom of page to report your hours

Winter youth hockey players pay a volunteer obligation fee in addition to their registration fees. This fee does not apply to players in the Termite, Girls’ House, and Bantam/HS House programs.

Purpose of the Fee

The volunteer obligation fee helps keep registration costs affordable by allowing families to “work off” the fee through volunteering. Credit or debit card information is securely stored in our online registration system, and any outstanding fees at the end of the season will be charged to the stored card. The fee is $150 for House players (Mites, Squirts, Peewees) and $250 for all travel players. There are no family discounts for the volunteer obligation, and if a family has both travel and house players, each player is charged accordingly.

NOTICE: The 2024-2025 season will be the final season for the current volunteer fee structure. During this season, MAYHA will establish a new credit system that allows key volunteer positions to offset their player’s registration fees. Information will be posted when finalized.

Volunteer Obligation Options

Families can choose from the following options to fulfill their volunteer obligation:

Pay the Obligation Amount

Families can either pay the entire fee at registration or add it to their registration payment plan. For families with multiple players, each player’s fee can be paid separately.

Participate in Fundraising Sales

Families can participate in fundraising sales (cookie dough, coffee, etc.) and earn between 30-50% of their sales in volunteer obligation credit, depending on the total amount sold.

Purchase Scrip

Scrip is a gift card fundraising program where families buy gift cards through an online platform and Missoula Youth Hockey receives a rebate. Gift cards are available for more than 750 major retailers and allow families to raise money simply by using gift cards for everyday purchases such as gas, groceries and restaurants. The rebate percentage each retailer offers is the amount you will earn.

To enroll, visit the RaiseRight website and click on the blue “Sign Up” button at the top of the page. The Missoula Youth Hockey enrollment code is FE4C17E21496L. You will need your bank account information to set up an account. If you have any questions regarding the program or an existing order, please contact Jennifer, Scrip Coordinator.

Solicit Sponsorships

Solicit a sponsor for a youth hockey team and earn half of the sponsorship amount or solicit a Glacier Ice Rink sponsor and earn 25% of the sponsorship amount. Sponsorships are an easy way to fulfill your obligation while helping keep the rink’s programs affordable. Contact Laura Henning for more information.

Volunteer Your Time

Earn $7 per hour by helping with the following youth hockey activities:

  • Scorekeeping, running the clock or manning the penalty boxes for all non-tournament games held at Glacier Ice Rink.
  • Acting as the locker room monitor for your player’s team. Locker room monitors must be Safesport Trained and Background Check cleared.
  • Serving as Coordinator for the following activities: Safe Sport, Equipment, Scrip, Jerseys, Fundraising or Pictures.
  • Coaching a house or travel team. Only on-ice and dryland training time can be counted; travel time does not count.
  • Acting as a travel team manager. Managers will have the fundraising fee waived only for their player on the team that they manage.
  • Any other activity must be approved by the youth hockey director or executive director

Earn $9 per hour by helping with the following Glacier Ice Rink activities:

  • Rink clean-up (sweeping and mopping locker rooms, sweeping and mopping common areas, cleaning underneath the bleachers, etc.)
  • Working the concession stand during Griz games or as a skate guard during public skates (applies to youth players ages 16 and older)
  • Other opportunities which may arise during the season.

All volunteers must report their hours on a monthly basis using the form below.

Current Volunteer Opportunities

8/23/2024 – Missoula Youth Hockey is seeking help from youth hockey parents for retention calls. Retention calls involve parent volunteers calling past participants and reminding about registration, plus answering any basic questions they may have. Please reach out to Grace if you would like to help!

Volunteer Hours Reporting Form

If reporting hours for multiple players, please combine all hours and report as one.
If reporting hours for multiple players, please combine all hours and report as one.
Please indicate which month your volunteer hours take place.


Glacier Ice Rink offers skate sharpening services! Click for details